Asset management
2020-04-02 09:31
What is asset management

The so-called asset management is to make trade-offs between a variety of different channels, and to achieve a balance between returns and risks through investments with different weights. In other words, it's not just about focusing on an investment.

The importance of asset management

1. Asset management can match personal circumstances, investment objectives and risk tolerance.
Asset allocation is the most basic role of asset management by combining assets with different types of risk and return to build an investment portfolio that meets the individual needs of investors. Everyone has different investment goals, investment terms and risk tolerance, so there is no standardized asset allocation scheme.

2. Reasonable asset management can achieve high single return and low risk.
Asset management should not pay too much attention to the income, it should focus on income at the same time, through the diversification of the management way to reduce the investment risks, caused by a single asset's large proportion of investment portfolios. Asset management emphasizes decentralized management. Asset management  does not advocate high returns through a single asset. In other words, the high risk of a single asset makes its unit return corresponding to unit risk not significant.

3. Asset management is the best strategy for long-term management and can achieve the best long-term returns.
Asset management is a long-term management plan. The strategic investment portfolio to be constructed should be considered for at least 5 years, and the asset ratio of the strategic investment portfolio cannot be easily changed during these 5 years unless there are sufficient reasons. Long-term management not only reduces the risk of fluctuations in short-term assets, also truly shares the benefits of economic growth and asset appreciation.

4. Asset management allows professionals to do professional things and realize your asset plan.
Don't say lost money on the product, it is because you did not manage the right asset. The difficulty of screening high-quality financial assets is profound. It is not easier than selecting good stocks. How to select high-quality financial assets will become a key element of asset management. The reason why asset management is important because we need to use asset management to help ourselves or investors to make money.


Advantages of asset management

Compared with single-type investment, diversified investment has many advantages:

1. Diversified asset portfolio selection can reduce the overall risk of investment to a certain extent;
2. Let investors have a better mentality and calmly face market changes;
3. Let the investors have enough funds to cope with changes in the situation, advance can attack and retreat can defend.

What are the benefits of overseas asset management?

1. Risk aversion
Overseas asset management is mainly to avoid risks. Theoretically, in the case when the correlation of asset types is small, diversification of investment can reduce risks with the same returns.

2. High investment income
Another reason for overseas asset management is to get higher investment returns. At present, when domestic investors are experiencing purchase restrictions in the property market, fund losses, stock market lows and capital-protected banking wealth management products barely run past the CPI, some individuals and institutions with keen minds are reaping the rewards in overseas markets.

3. Exchange risk
Another very important purpose of overseas asset management is to resist exchange risk.

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