Asset allocation--why immigrate to Belgium
2020-03-18 09:45
Belgium is known as the "crossroads of Western Europe". Although its area is not large, its unique tourist attractions spread throughout the country. The capital, Brussels is not only home to the world-famous Waterloo battlefield, also home to many international headquarters. Belgium has a maritime temperate broad-leaved forest climate, and the four seasons are distinct.

1. Developed economic environment

Belgium is a very developed country with a modern industry, harmonious society, good social welfare system and beautiful environment.
The second largest city of Antwerp is the second largest port in Europe and the fourth largest port in the world, which is very conducive to the development of trade. Antwerp is also a world-renowned diamond processing center and diamond trading center.

2. Good language environment

Belgium does not have its own language. Its official languages are French and Dutch. 90% of Belgians speak four foreign languages: Dutch, French, German and English. Belgium has the highest English penetration rate among Western European and non-English speaking countries. About 95% of Belgians can speak English. The good English environment will make you feel familiar in your life and work.


3. Stable social environment

Belgium has a high welfare policy, the crime rate in is very low, the society is safe and peaceful, the environment is elegant and clean. Under the high tax system, residents can get good social security benefits, enjoy excellent health care services, and enjoy good public infrastructure.

4. Visa-free Schengen area

You have free movement right as Belgium is one of the Schengen countries, including Germany, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Poland, Spain, Denmark etc. 

5.High-quality education

Belgium attaches great importance to education, and it becomes one of the most advanced countries in the world. Children enjoy free education and receive 100 to 300 euros of milk per month before the age of 18. High school education has low fees. Generally, high school graduation certificates are exempted from entrance. 

Belgian passport immigration conditions:

1. Non-criminal record;
2. Movement a company in Belgium as a legal entity.

Please contact Hengxi international customer service for more details
